MIX DIY Beads(acrylic&glass) Lucky Bags – Open in Live


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MIX DIY Beads(acrylic&glass) Lucky Bags – Open in Live


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  • Welcome to the fun shopping world! We offer various goodies  in a great price and interesting way. Have fun with your shopping!
  • One acrylic charm equals to an extra free bag. That is to say, you will have many extras with your order. Good luck!
  • The glass beads are cute, beautiful and fabulous for DIY. They are good both for kids and adults’ creation, concentration, patience and confidence. DIY is good for kids’ brain development and the old’s hand coordination. Have a try for you and your family!

1 Bead Bag, 12 Bead Bags, 15 Bead Bags, 20 Bead Bags, 30 Bead Bags, 50 Bead Bags, 80 Bead Bags



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